Self-Discovery Deep Dive Session

During this intensive 1.5-2hr session, Lyndal will work through one issue with you in great depth, that has been troubling you or you feel has been blocking your progress.

Lyndal utilises all her healing skills, experience and training in this session, working from an energetic, intuitive, mental & subconscious mind perspective, diving deep to help you get to the centre of the block or issue that you are experiencing.

Please be aware that this session can be quite triggering, and is only recommended for people who are in a place where they really want to make changes to areas of their life where they have been stuck, blocked or have tried other methods with limited results.

The session may include Chakra Balancing, Body Scanning and Channelled Messages, along with Intuitive Counselling General Coaching and Energy Healing modalities. Each session is different depending on the client’s needs and issues.

* The session will run for between 1.5 – 2 hrs but may run slightly over, so please allow for the relevant time in your calendar when booking a session.

  • Time – From 1.5-2hr session *

  • Capacity – 1 person

  • Location – Online (Zoom)

  • Pre-requisite – willing to explore your issues openly and honestly

  • Cost – $280.00 AUD including GST

“If you are looking for someone who can help you to change your life you need look no further than Lyndal. She is unbelievably intuitive and will help you pin point exactly what you need to tweak in order to be the best version of yourself. Some things in life are priceless and doing a course with Lyndal should definitely be listed in that category. You will not finish her course as the same person you were when you started. I cannot recommend this course enough. Lyndal is proof that Earth Angels do exist and she is definitely one of them.”

Ellen, NSW