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We work with you to facilitate your self-discovery, to enable your best life…

SIM Personal Development Mentoring Sessions

Self Discovery Coaching SESSIONS

Are you needing help working through life’s challenges? Are you feeling triggered by something you can’t put your finger on? Are you wondering why it bothers you so much? In our 1:1 coaching sessions we will work together to help you to break through your inner barriers and achieve the life you want.

SIM Counselling


Welcome to our counselling services, where we work from a person-centred approach for your mental and emotional well-being. Here, you’ll find a safe space where you’re heard, understood, and supported on your journey to healing and growth. Lyndal offers compassionate guidance and practical tools tailored to your unique needs. Whether you’re navigating stress, grief, relationship issues, or personal growth, Lyndal is there to walk alongside you every step of the way.

SIM Energetic Healing Reiki Sessions

Energetic Healing Reiki Sessions

Step into the world of energy healing and Reiki sessions, where practitioners tap into the body’s natural energy to promote relaxation and balance. Through gentle touch or distance healing, blockages are removed, restoring harmony and facilitating the body’s own healing abilities. Experience the profound benefits of aligning mind, body, and spirit in a session tailored to your needs.

SIM Deep Dive Discovery

Self-Discovery Deep Dive Session

Dive into the depths of self-discovery with our Deep Dive Sessions. These personalised sessions are designed to help you explore your innermost thoughts, feelings, and aspirations and assist you in working in detail on an issue that is troubling you the most. Lyndal uses all the tools in her toolbelt, working you through guided introspection and reflective exercises, to help uncover hidden insights, clarify your goals, and unlock your true potential. Embark on a transformative journey of self-awareness and growth with our Deep Dive Sessions today.

SIM Intuitive Readings

Intuitive Readings

Lyndal will tap into her innate gifts, including clairvoyance, clairaudience, and connecting with your spirit guides and past loved ones, to give you access to your own inner guidance, wisdom, and perspective on various aspects of your life. Lyndal uses a blend of tarot & oracle cards & runes, to delve into your past, present, and potential futures. Whether you’re seeking answers to specific questions, clarity on life decisions, or simply looking for spiritual guidance, intuitive readings offer a pathway to deeper self-awareness and empowerment. Embrace the opportunity to explore the unseen realms and unlock the wisdom that lies within you.

SIM Personal Development Introduction Course

Introductory Course

This personal development course will help you to start exploring how all the events, decisions, thoughts, and feelings in your life have placed you exactly where you are today, whether consciously or unconsciously. Here you will reconnect with yourself and gain fundamental techniques to start you on your journey of self-discovery.

SIM Personal Development Intermediate Course

Intermediate Course

This personal development course is designed to facilitate a deeper understanding of who you are. It expands on the information provided in the introductory course to further explore yourself. Here you will embrace every part of you, with complete acceptance and love, as you step into a more self-empowered version of you.

SIM Personal Development Mentoring Sessions

Looking for answers?

Discovering which service suits you best is a breeze with our FAQ page. Whether you’re curious about counselling, coaching, energy healing/Reiki, our deep dive sessions or intuitive readings, our concise answers will point you in the right direction. Click the link to explore and find the perfect fit for your needs.

Stepping into Me_Book


Stepping into Me_New Book

“Lyndal is such an incredible gift! I have had the pleasure of having her as my mentor for three years now and she is absolutely amazing. She has a calm, grounding and deeply intuitive nature and energy and has assisted me with clearing what no longer serves me to step into my own power and thrive. The way she teaches is so loving and warm she immediately puts you at ease and shares her knowledge so freely. If you are looking for a course that will assist you to shift stagnant energy and discover your true self I would totally recommend Lyndal and her ‘Stepping into me ‘courses; it’s one of the most amazing gifts you can give to yourself. Thank you so much Lyndal!”

KP, New South Wales

“The “Stepping into Me” 5 week Introductory Course was great & I achieved so much more in myself than I expected. I have come away with many valuable tools that I will continue to implement into my day. I found Lyndal’s kind nature, questioning & feedback encouraged me to find my own way & answers. There are No judgements. I felt safe to voice my thoughts amongst the lovely group of ladies in the zoom sessions, and in a One on One mentoring session with Lyndal. I am very excited that I am Starting to get my Mojo Back and being kind to Myself! Thank you Lyndal”

Jo, New South Wales

“The Stepping Into Me Introductory Course was great! Lyndal was wonderful in encouraging me to look within myself. I learned more about my life, past experiences, and how they have affected me and my relationships today. I gained a greater understanding of myself, my boundaries, and my approach. Very empowering, would highly recommend.”

Jessica, Queensland

“Thank you Lyndal!  I thoroughly loved your “Stepping Into Me” beginners program.  It was wholesome and uplifting. Your warmth and care in delivery made me feel relaxed and in a safe environment. The approach is hands on – I learned useful tools to help me understand myself better and look forward with more positivity, strength and confidence.  I highly recommend this course to anyone looking for a bit of mentoring and inner-self work.”

Emily, New South Wales

“Lyndal is a natural at this… and I’m grateful for the opportunity to participate. She took us on a journey to places from our past that I hadn’t even considered might be affecting who I am today. She then showed us how we can acknowledge these things and move forward and live our life in a way that is more true to who we are as individuals. Thank you.”

Jen, New South Wales

“You cannot transcend what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must know yourself.”


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